Don’t Thank the Universe.

This article is about the connection between you, the universe, and The Creator of the universe.

About The True Reality

Our goal is to inspire all truth seekers to seek personal development through reading the Holy Qur'an and learning about Allah Almighty.

Table of contents

1) Who is The Creator of the universe?
- The Force behind the creation of the universe.
- The many names of Allah and His attributes.  

2) Who are we?  
- How to back up your personal power with Divine Power.
- How to create a new reality for your life.
- How to escape the law of attraction.  

3) Journal Activity
- How to express gratitude and invoke Grace from The Creator of the universe.
- Access the worksheets.

I decided to look up Stephen Hawking after watching The Avengers Marvel movie. Agent Phil Coulson said to Steve Rogers (Captain America) that when Bruce Banner wasn’t that thing (the Hulk), the guy was like a Stephen Hawking.

 - “Who?” said Steve.  
- “He’s like a smart person.” said Agent Coulson.    

Turns out that Stephen Hawking has theories about the creation of the universe! His theory is that the universe began with a cosmic accident born out of imperfection.  Stephen Hawking said:        

“The cosmos became the beauty it is today all thanks to irregularity, imperfection, a stroke of cosmic luck.  So next time someone complains that you’ve made a mistake, tell them that may be a good thing, because without imperfection, neither you nor I would exist.”  
- Stephen Hawking.  

Wait what?  What Hawking is suggesting is that we are alone on earth and in the universe, that we have no Maker, no Designer, no Guide, and that we’re all here with no designated purpose.    

In this article I'm going to disagree with Stephen Hawking. We will discuss Allah (God) - The Intelligent Force behind the creation of the universe, why we should direct our gratitude towards Him, and how to align with His power.    

Check out this quote by Abraham Lincoln :    

“To believe in the things you can see and touch is no beauty at all. Believing in the unseen is the true triumph that should be celebrated.” 
- Abraham Lincoln

1) Who is The Creator of the universe? 

Allah (the One God of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Joseph, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad) created the universe. How do we know this? Because He describes in detail how He created the universe throughout the Holy Qur'an :  

In surah 2 Baqarah - The Cow, Allah says:

164. Behold! In the creation of the Heavens and the Earth; in the alternation of the Night and the Day; in the sailing of the ships through the ocean for the profit of mankind; in the rain which Allah sends down from the skies and the life which He gives therewith to an earth that is dead; in the beasts of all kinds that He scatters through the earth; in the change of the winds and the clouds which they trail like their slaves between the sky and the earth; (here) indeed are signs for a people that are wise.    

In surah 21 Anbiyaa - The Prophets, Allah says:

30. Do not the unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one unit of Creation), before We clove them asunder ? We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe ?  

31. And We have set on the earth mountains standing firm, lest it should shake with them, and We have made therein broad highways (between mountains) for them to pass through : that they may receive guidance.  

32. And We have made the Heavens as a canopy well guarded : yet do they turn away from the Signs which these things (point to) !  

33. It is He who created the Night and the Day, and the Sun and the Moon : All (the celestial bodies) swim along, each in its rounded course.  

In surah 6 An'am - The Cattle, Allah says:

1. Praise be to Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth, and made the Darkness and the Light. Yet those who reject Faith hold others as equal with their Guardian-Lord.   

In surah 79 An-Naziat - Those Who Tear Out, Allah says:

27. What? Are you the more difficult to create or the heavens above? Allah has constructed it: 
28. He raised on high its canopy, and He has given it order and perfection.  

“Give gratitude to God or the Universe, whatever you want to call it '' - is what I hear a lot. But we can do a better job of describing where to direct our gratitude.

The Force behind the creation of the universe  

Check out this awesome description of the Force that created the universe quoted from the book Divine Love Astrology (2014) by Shiva Das and Mercy Ananda:

“To our perception, the force and the manifestation (of the universe) are one, but distinguishing The Force is necessary if we want to be aware of the Omnipotent, Omnipresent, unendingly Bountiful, Omniscience of Divine Intelligence.”  

Wow, 💕  

Here are some definitions to help you understand the qualities of The Force that created the universe:  

Omnipotent - having unlimited power; able to do anything.
Omnipresent - common or widespread, anywhere anytime.
Bountiful - large in quantity; abundant.
Omniscience - the state of knowing everything.
Divine - supernatural, sacred, God, of God.  

Das and Ananda are saying that the creation is different from its creator just like the painting is different from its painter. This is the difference between The Creator and the universe.  

When a design is a fascinating wonder, we would naturally appreciate and want to know the designer, right?

Allah leaves us Signs of His existence that we can comprehend and that prove His existence. But we don’t have knowledge of what is not shown to us.  So we are unable to fully conceptualize what exists in higher vibrational frequencies beyond what we can physically perceive (the unseen world).  This is what makes Allah superior to mankind.

The many names of Allah and His attributes  

It requires many English words to describe Allah such as :  

The All Aware, The Knower of Reality
The Answerer of Prayers, The Responsive
The Remover of Fear
The Perfectly Wise The Inward, The Hidden, The Invisible
The Provider, The Sustainer
The Governor
The Creator
The Owner of All
The Living
The Self-Subsisting (able to take care of itself without outside help)
The Eternal Lord of Requests
The Giver of Gifts
The Origin of Love
The Originator, The Initiator
The Illuminator, The Light
The Guide
The Giver of life
The Taker of life
The One and Only, The Indivisible
The Source of Goodness
The Eternal Lord The King
The Judge  

So, even if there was a big bang, the description of the Force that created us and the universe in exact measurement and proportion, is where we should direct our gratitude. Directing gratitude and prayers to anything other than The One and only God Allah is actually ingratitude.  

When we understand the Truth about the creation of the universe, we should naturally want to thank Allah, the Creator of the universe, so that we can live a balanced life and end up successful in this world and the next world.  

The Power of Allah is better appreciated when we acknowledge who we are and our human limitations.  

2) Who are we?   

"Design is intelligence made visible." - Alina Wheeler.  

In the article What are humans exactly? we described in detail the intellectual gifts that Allah has given us humans (mankind).  

In the book Nahjul-Balagha (The Peak of Eloquence), Imam Ali describes to us how Allah created our ancestor Adam from clay:    

“THE CREATION OF ADAM - God caused clay to be collected from all parts of the earth: elevations and plains, salt and fresh, and mixed it with water to give it purity. Then He kneaded it with moisture until it became fluffy. Then He gave it the form of a human body with limbs, organs, joints and segments.  He solidified it until it dried up for a duration of time which He determined. Then He blew into it from His Spirit, and it became a human being with a mind to think, intelligence to act, senses to perceive, limbs and joints to support him, knowledge to differentiate between right and wrong, and to distinguish taste and smell, color and shape. Adam himself is made of clay of different colors and shapes, and mixtures of cold, hot, wet and solid material. Then God reminded the angels of their promise to Him and the covenant they had made to Him to recognize His human creature by prostrating themselves to him in honor of His work. Allah said to the angels, "Prostrate yourself before Adam", and they all prostrated themselves with the exception of Satan who felt haughty and arrogant. He felt he was created from fire and therefore despised a creature made from clay.”  

Our father Adam and his nation of humans were meant to temporarily live in the physical realm on earth with the ability to use our will power to worship God, to be true in word and deed, and to overcome circumstances and tests.  

We manifest our ultimate destination in the next eternal world according to our actions and performance during our life on earth.

So remember to always thank Allah (God) and bear witness that He is our Cherisher and Sustainer if it eternal bliss that you seek.

How to back up your personal power with Divine Power. 

Human will power exhausts easily compared to the Eternal All Powerful Will of Allah.  

So if you align with Allah and submit yourself only to Him, you will be protected and guided by the Most Powerful Strength in the universe. When The Will of Allah is in favor of you, you become safe  from your enemies and more powerful than the spirits.    

The reason why the media and the powers that be are always trying to divert our attention away from Allah, the Qur'an, and our true nature is so that they can control our thinking and actions.  

How to create a new reality for your life.  

By supplicating to Allah - the One Who Owns All, anyone of us can actually change our reality and live in the positive manifestations of our desires.

Transcending “logical” outer world circumstances is like our personal modern day miracle. We have nothing to worry about when the acceptance of prayers and success is our promise from Allah, the Most Kind and the Most Generous.  

Alhamdulillah (all praise be toGod).  

How to escape the law of attraction.  

The law of attraction  can be harsh for someone who makes mistakes, and everyone makes mistakes.

But, the superior Will of Allah - The Most High, through His universal laws of Grace and Forgiveness, shelters us from feeling the bad effects of our mistakes.  

In other words, submitting to Allah and repenting (feeling sorry for our mistakes) is the only way that we can override bad karma and transcend the dark side of the universal law of attraction.  

Consider what Allah says in the Holy Qur'an about forgiveness for our mistakes:  

135. And those who having done something to be ashamed of or wronged their own souls earnestly bring Allah to mind and ask for forgiveness for their sins and who can forgive sins except Allah? And are never obstinate in persisting knowingly in (the wrong) they have done.  

136. For such the reward is forgiveness from their Lord and gardens with rivers flowing underneath an eternal dwelling; how excellent a recompense for those who work (and strive)!

- The Holy Qur'an Surah 3:151  

3) Journal Activity

How to express gratitude and invoke Grace from The Creator of the universe. 

In acknowledging the superiority of Allah’s Will Power to our human will power, you gain a whole new perspective on who you are and what you can create despite your human weaknesses, fears, doubts, insecurities, and so called failures (although failures are truly life lessons).

Since we are creations of a Superior Being, it is with humility that we approach this Superior Being to seek Grace from Him.

To ask for Allah's Grace and bounty all you have to do is submit to Him,  express gratitude to Him, and call upon Him.

The exact words you use to express gratitude to Allah to invoke His Grace, Bounty, and Wisdom are personal but you can begin with acknowledging Allah’s names and attributes.

We’ve created some worksheets to guide you through the process of thanking Allah for his blessings and asking Him for your wants and needs.  

Access your FREE worksheets here.  

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