What are Humans Exactly?

Discover the 6 parts of the intellect that make humans superior to other creatures. Worksheets included.

About The True Reality

Our goal is to inspire all truth seekers to seek personal development through reading the Holy Qur'an and learning about Allah Almighty.

Table of contents

1) Who are we?
The 6 parts of the intellect that make humans a superior creation to other creatures :
- Imagination
- Intuition
- Will
- Memory
- Reason
- Perception  

3) Journal activity
- Access your worksheets here.

In the article Don’t Thank the Universe, we talked about why we should direct our gratitude to Allah- the Creator of the universe. Giving gratitude to the creation rather than The Creator is like praising the painting rather than The Painter.

Like loving the dress but never shouting out The Designer. Loving the photos but never giving credit to The Artist… get it?

Now that we've shown gratitude to our beloved Creator for creating us, in this article we'll analyze some of the special gifts that Allah gave to us (humans) and how we can use our gifts to create a better life.

1) Who are we?

We humans are part of the universe. We are created of the earth and like other earthly creatures, our bodies decompose back into earth when we die.

Humans however are privileged creatures. Allah designed us with gifts that allow us to command the universe. The difference between humans and animal creations is that we can manifest our realities and consciously change our destiny to be successful in this world and the next world.

Real talk.

We as humans manifest our thoughts all the time in our daily lives, but our limiting beliefs prevent us from using our God given intellect to manifest to our fullest potential.

Our thoughts are what distinguish us from animals and make humans a special superior creation. Check out this quote by Bob Proctor:

“Thought energy is the most potent force in the universe. Thought energy penetrates all time and space.” - Bob Proctor

The following descriptions of the 6 parts of the intellect are mostly from the teachings of the late Bob Proctor, but other thought leaders use similar words to describe the mind.

2) The 6 parts of the intellect that make humans a superior creation to other creatures :

1) Imagination

Humans think in pictures and the imagination is the image maker. We use our thoughts to visualize our creations first in abstract theoretical form before we manifest it in the 3D physical form. Just like we imagine what we want to eat for dinner before we manifest it by cooking it or ordering it.

Alhamdulillah. Thank God for our ability to imagine what we want, then create it.

2) Intuition

Proctor describes the intuition as a two way communication link between you and Infinite Intelligence.

I describe the intuition as our ability to ask The Creator for something and to interpret the Divine responses and Wisdom that is given in return.

In the Qur'an Allah calls it, the deliverance of knowledge through inspiration. 

We strengthen our intuition by introverting and learning about it, by being quiet, by reflecting, by asking useful questions, and by listening to what Gandhi calls The Voice of Truth.

Alhamdulillah. Thank God for our ability to ask of Him and for Him to inspire us with Wisdom through intuition.

3) Will

Your will is your power, your energy, the force within you to act upon an idea to manifest your imagination. You increase your capacity to manifest by using your will power to laser focus and concentrate your energy on what you want to create.

The strength of your will power is dependent upon your deep rooted beliefs. Your will and beliefs manifest themselves through your actions and behaviors that ultimately create your circumstances.

As within, so without.

This is universal law. It means that the energy of your inner world reflects what you experience in your outer world.

In the Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz says:

"We create hell on earth by submitting our will, or making agreements, with dominant belief systems."  - DonMiguel Ruiz

In the words of Proctor:

“With everything going on around us (social media, marketing, propaganda) if we don't learn to use will power to center our mind we become the plaything for outside forces, and when that starts happening, we start losing.” - Bob Proctor

Alhamdulillah. Thank God for our will power that we use to control our surroundings and our ultimate destiny.

4) Memory

Here is what John C. Maxwell had to say about our memory in his book How Successful People Think :

“My goal is to reflect (to remember) so that I might learn from my successes and mistakes, discover what I should try to repeat, and determine what I should change. By mentally visiting past situations, you can think with greater understanding, and overtime reflective thinking can strengthen your intuition. Reflective thinking turns experience into insight.” - John Maxwell

American President George Washington said similar things about memory :

“We ought not to look back unless it is to derive useful lessons from past errors, and for the purpose of profiting from dearly bought experience.” - George Washington

Alhamdulillah. Thank God for our memory that we use to reflect on our experiences and derive lessons that help us make better decisions in the future.

5) Reason

Our reasoning faculty is responsible for discerning, discriminating, and prioritizing information. This part of the intellect is the actual process of thinking.

What kind of things do you think about? How do you make your decisions? The answers to these questions are subject to your your beliefs and reasoning.

Throughout the Holy Qur'an Allah asks us to use our Reason to distinguish truth from falsehood. For example, in surah 10 Yunus - Jonah, Allah says:

35. Say: "Of your partners is there any that can give any guidance towards Truth?" Say: "It is Allah who gives guidance towards Truth. Is then He who gives guidance to Truth more worthy to be followed, or he who finds not guidance unless he is guided? What then is the matter with you? How do you reason?

36. But most of them (unbelievers) follow nothing but fancy: truly fancy can be of no avail against Truth.

Alhamdulillah. Thank God for our ability to distinguish truth from falsehood so that we might be saved from foolishness, unbelief, and the hellfire.

6) Perception

Perception is the lens through which you see the outer world, how you interpret information from the environment outside your body.

Many problems in life stem from a negative perception. Worry is a problem in perception. Panic is a problem in perception. We experience negative feelings because of how we perceive the information that comes to us from outer world.    

If you change your beliefs, the stories you tell yourself will also change. A change in beliefs therefore results in a change of circumstances.      

A great way to ensure you’re always thinking with the right perception, is to invoke the guidance, wisdom, and help of Allah Almighty so that you never feel alone or incapable of doing something.  

Alhamdulillah (all praise be to God). Thank God for our ability to choose how we interpret information so that we can also choose our actions and outcomes. 

3) Journal activity

With your new understanding of your intellectual gifts, we challenge you to re-evaluate your life to find ways to improve your circumstances.

1) Describe when you are happiest. Use your imagination to draft a possible way to make this happiness last for the majority of every day.
2) Use your memory to reflect on important life lessons you've learned to date. Combining your life lessons and will power, how can you take one step to manifest your desired vision?

3) Thinking about ways to change your circumstances can be scary. Using your Reasoning powers, what can you tell yourself to diminish your fears and increase your trust in Allah?

Access your FREE journal worksheets here.

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